Friday, December 14, 2007



Gonna close my eyes
Girl and watch you go
Running through this life, darling
Like a field of snow

As the tracer glides
In its graceful arc
Send a little prayer out to you
'Cross the falling dark

Tell the repo man
And the stars above
That you're the one I love


Perfect summer's night
Not a wind that breathes
Just the bullets whispering gentle
Amongst the new green leaves

These things I might have said
Only wish I could
Now I'm leaking life faster than I'm leaking blood

Tell the repo man
And the stars above
That you're the one I love
You're the one I love
The one I love

Don't see Elysium
Don't see no fiery hell
Just the lights up bright, baby, in the bay hotel

Next wave coming in
Like an ocean roar
Won't you take my hand, darling, on that old dance floor

We can twist and shout
Do the turtle dove

And you
The one I love


Sto chiudendo i miei occhi baby e ti guardo andare
correndo attraverso questa vita, tesoro, come in un campo di neve
lasci delicate tracce nel suo grazioso arco
mando una piccola preghiera per te che attraversa le tenebre

Racconto al Signore e alle stelle
che tu sei l'unica che amo. Si

Perfetta notte d'estate
nessun vento che respira.
Solo le pallottole sussurrano gentilmente
sopra le nuove verdi foglie

Tra tutte le cose che avrei voluto dirti
ho potuto lasciarti solo una speranza
Ora sto perdendo la vita tanto velocemente
quanto sto perdendo sangue

Racconto al Signore e alle stelle
che tu sei l'unica che amo
che tu sei l'unica che amo
l'unica che amo

Non vedo i Campi Elisi
non vedo il bruciante Inferno
solo le luci brillanti, Baby, dentro l'Hotel sulla baia

la prossima onda arriva
come il ruggito dell'oceano
non prenderesti la mia mano su quella vecchia pista da ballo

possiamo girare e urlare
come fanno le colombe

e tu...tu
l'unica che amo

traduzione by Funka

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Tribute to Freddie Mercury (Bijou)


You and me we are destined you'll agree
To spend the rest of our lives with each other
The rest of our days like two lovers

My bijou


Tu e io siamo destinati
Sarai d'accordo
A passare il resto della nostra vita insieme
Il resto dei nostri giorni come due amanti
Per sempre, yeah, per sempre

Mio bijou...

Mercury died at 7:12 pm on November 24, 1991 at the age of 45


Thursday, November 08, 2007

David Gray

This years love

This year's love had better last
Heaven knows it's high time
And I've been waiting on my own too long
But when you hold me like you do
It feels so right
I start to forget
How my heart gets torn
When that hurt gets thrown
Feeling like you can't go on

Turning circles when time again
It cuts like a knife oh yeah
If you love me got to know for sure
Cos it takes something more this time
Than sweet sweet lies
Before I open up my arms and fall
Losing all control
Every dream inside my soul
And when you kiss me
On that midnight street
Sweep me off my feet
Singing ain't this life so sweet

This years love had better last
This years love had better last

So who's to worry
If our hearts get torn
When that hurt gets thrown
Don't you know this life goes on
And won't you kiss me
On that midnight street
Sweep me off my feet
Singing ain't this life so sweet

This years love had better last
This years love had better last
This years love had better last
This years love had better last


L'amore Di Quest'anno

Sarebbe meglio che l'amore di quest'anno durasse
Il cielo sa che é proprio ora
Ho aspettato per conto mio troppo a lungo

ma quando mi tieni con te come fai tu
mi sento così bene
comincio a dimenticare
come il mio cuore si è spezzato
quando é stato ferito
sentirsi come non poter più andare avanti

Cambiamenti di rotta quando il tempo ancora
ferisce come un coltello oh si
se mi ami, accertatene
perché stavolta ci vuole qualcosa in più
che dolci dolci bugie
prima che io apra le mie braccia e cada
perdendo il controllo
di ogni sogno dentro la mia anima

quando tu mi baci
in quella strada a notte fonda
cantando non é dolce questa vita

L'amore di quest'anno sarebbe meglio che durasse
L'amore di quest'anno sarebbe meglio che durasse

così perché preoccuparsi
se i nostri cuori si spezzano
quando quel dolore arriva
non lo sai che la vita va avanti?

E non mi baceresti
in quella strada a notte fonda
cantando non é dolce questa vita?

L'amore di quest'anno sarebbe meglio che durasse
L'amore di quest'anno sarebbe meglio che durasse



Associazione PETA contro le pellicce
fur is dead

Help Stop the Cruel Fur Industry.

per ulteriori informazioni e video clicca QUI
information and video HERE

firma la petizione qui
sign the petiotion here

Saturday, November 03, 2007


Si possono percorrere milioni di chilometri in una sola vita
senza mai scalfire la superficie dei luoghi
ne' imparare nulla dalle genti appena sfiorate.
Il senso del viaggio sta nel fermarsi ad ascoltare
chiunque abbia una storia da raccontare.

Camminando si apprende la vita
camminando si conoscono le cose
camminando si sanano le ferite del giorno prima.

Cammina guardando una stella
ascoltando una voce
seguendo le orme di altri passi.
Cammina cercando la vita
cercando le ferite lasciate dai dolori
Niente puo' cancellare il ricordo del cammino percorso.

Ruben Blades

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Enslaved children rescued from GAP sweatshop

clikka sull'immagine per l'ingrandimento

Lavoro infantile, Marchi occidentali sotto accusa

Avevano solo 10 anni e lavoravano sino a sedici ore al giorno i bambini sfruttati in un laboratorio tessile nei pressi di Nuova Delhi, in India, destinato alla produzione di capi di abbigliamento per conto del colosso Americano Gap.
Per questo motivo, la stessa azienda ha aperto un'indagine e contestualmente ha annunciato di aver ritirato i prodotti incriminati dal suo circuito di distribuzione. "Quanto e' emerso ha turbato tutti noi, mi sento tradita, sono arrabbiata con l'azienda indiana: noi proibiamotassativamente il lavoro minorile", spiega Marka Hansen, direttore generale del marchio Gap

L'Odissea di Amitosh
"Mio padre mi ha venduto, ha ricevuto molto denaro e ora non deve piu' sudare nei campi"

I piccoli faticavano per sedici ore al giorno. "i padroni temevano ritardi per le commesse di Natale"

L'esercito di schiavi
Nell'economia indiana vengono impiegati almeno 13 milioni di bimbi


Wednesday, October 17, 2007





Sunday, October 07, 2007

Stanotte è mancato il nostro Luca... I tuoi compagni di strada ti salutano...

Ciao Gabibbo !!

Luca ‘gabibbo’ Giacometti, 44 anni, che nei Modena suonava chitarra, bouzouki, mandolino, banjo è morto ieri notte in un incidente stradale sulla A1, nei pressi di Rubiera.
Secondo i rilievi della Polizia stradale di Modena nord, Giacometti, che viaggiava da solo alla guida di una Renault Clio ha sbandato ed è finito contro il guard-rail. E’ stato sbalzato dall’abitacolo ed è morto sul colpo.

Il sito ufficiale dei Ramblers è al momento chiuso con una grande foto di Giacometti in home e il saluto della band.
Sul sito del fan club ufficiale “La grande famiglia” la foto e un post dal titolo Parole difficili per salutare il ‘gabibbo’

dal sito della Grande Famiglia

Parole difficili - da parte di tutti noi

Caro Gabi,
in questa giornata di inizio ottobre certe notizie gelano il sangue manco fosse dicembre inoltrato.

La strada, tanto cara a noi famiglioli vagabondi, rivela quando meno ce lo si aspetta la sua duplice natura: mostro e amica.

E’ stata amica per noi tutti in tantissime notti di viaggio di ritorno da un concerto, con Orione là alto nel cielo che accompagnava noi viaggiatori ovunque fino a farci riposare.
E’ stata amica per tutti i musicisti che, di palco in palco, costruivano sudati e saltellanti la loro vita.

Lo è stata per te…lo é stata per noi… dato che ti ha condotto dentro questa Grande Famiglia con il tuo sorriso, con la tua voglia di interagire con noi, con i tuoi miliardi di braccialetti che facevano a gara con quelli di qualcuno di noi.
Ti ha portato qui con la tua maglia rosso-blu, genoano fino all’osso… pronto a parlare di calcio, a giocare, a farti avanti non appena noi famiglioli mettavamo in campo un pallone.
Ti ha portato nei nostri dopo concerti, ti ha portano nelle nostra chat, nei nostri messenger… sempre amico e sempre disponibile.

La strada, caro Gabi, ti ha portato anche via da noi. Ma non potrà mai portarti via dai nostri cuori, dai nostri ricordi, dalle canzoni che non smetteremo mai di cantare ma che, anzi, sentiremo ancora più intensamente dentro di noi.

Ciao Gabi, grazie per averci incontrati per strada!
“…credi che la morte te l’abbia tolto che non tornerà mai.
Ma cercalo nel tuo cuore e lo troverai…”

font by: kataweb

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Call to Action on Burma

and Aung San Suu Kyi

Detention in Myanmar

In 1990, the military junta called a general election, which the National League for
Democracy won decisively. Being the NLD's candidate, Aung San Suu Kyi under normal
circumstances would have assumed the office of Prime Minister.

Instead, the results were nullified, and the military refused to hand over
power. This resulted in an international outcry.

Aung San Suu Kyi was placed under house arrest. During her arrest, she was awarded the
Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought in 1990, and the Nobel Peace Prize the year after.
Her sons Alexander and Kim accepted the Nobel Peace Prize on
her behalf. Aung San Suu Kyi used the Nobel Peace Prize's 1.3 million USD prize money to
establish a healh and education
trust for the Burmese

The military government released Aung San Suu Kyi from house arrest in July 1995 but
made it clear that if she left the country to visit her family in the United Kingdom, it would
not allow her return. When her husband, Michael Aris, a British
citizen, was diagnosed withprostate cancer in 1997, the Burmese government denied him
an entry visa. Aung San Suu Kyi remained in Burma, and
never again saw her husband, who died in March 1999. She remains separated from her
children, who live in the United Kingdom.[.....] ---> click here to continue

There is a genocide going on in Burma(Myanmar).

Today, tyrant military government of Burma (Myanmar) has shot down and wounded over
100 unarmed protesters. 9 dead bodies, including a Japanese journalist, were collected
and confirmed by the Burmese soliers. Many wounded fled away and believed to die in a
few hours on their way home. Number of death toll is not confirmed.
The murdered Japanese journalist is called Mr Kenji Nagai, APF Tsushin Media.

People of Burma were simply asking for peace. Due to torture, people were so scared to
protest first.
But the buddhist monks initiated this revolution, without self interest.
However, when a Buddhist monk was tied to pole and tortured in public,
most Buddhist monks around the country and 200,000 protesters joined in.

The protest were very peaceful. They were simply reading Buddhist prayers called
Metta Sutta (, while walking around town.
That was all.
The tyrant Than Shwe ( ordered the military
to attack, and shoot into the crowd, causing a genocide like in 1988 again.

Please ask the United Nations to send UN forces to Burma:

For more info:


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Water is the New Oil

Some would consider water the new oil. Even though 70% of Earth is covered with water, only 3% is fit for human consumption, of which two-thirds is frozen and largely uninhabited ice caps and glaciers, leaving 1% available for consumption. The remaining 97% is salt water, which cannot be used for drinking or agriculture. If all the earth's water fit in a gallon jug, available fresh water would equal just over a tablespoon.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

font by:
Information About Deafblindness.

The Deafblind Manual Alphabet.

Hello There,

It's James here,

I would like to welcome you to this page of A-Z to Deafblindness, And thank you for being interested in finding out more about us,
A special welcome to fellow deafblind people, blind, and of course our deaf friends as well.

By coming to this particular page you must be interested in learning how we, the deafblind, communicate with each other,
and to our family and friends and to the hearing seeing world which we all live in.

I sincerely hope that with the information which is below you will, at the end of this page, become more aware about deafblindness,
and perhaps you may have learned how to communicate to a deafblind person, or a deaf person when you meet them.

A little info about me, My name is James Gallagher, and I live in the United Kingdom.

I am totally blind and almost profoundly deaf. I have to wear two powerful hearing aids which are linked up to a piece of equipment
called a "hearit". This equipment which is worn around my neck and is placed on my chest, amplifies the hearing aids which then in
turn allows me to hear a little.
If someone wishes to speak to me they have to speak directly into the "hearit". This method is cumbersome for them and me, but not
everyone knows the deafblind manual and without my hearing aids I am totally deaf.

The "hereit" is just for indoor use - when I am outdoors, I need a Guide/Communicator with me. When I have to go somewhere
immediately I can leave my home with my guide dog, her name is Wilma. The British Guide Dog Association will train a deafblind
person with a guide dog. Even though Wilma is my eyes on the road, she can't be my ears as well, so when I am out with her I also wear
a device called TAM.

Tam is a lightweight sound monitor for profoundly deaf people. You wear the Tam like a watch on your left wrist. It has a very thin wire
which is attached to the watch like a band, and the other end of the wire is connected to a small control box which you have clipped on
to your jumper or inside pocket.

What does Tam do for me? Well, the watch band on my wrist is a vibrator which gives me a clear firm vibration when a sound is quite
near me, useful for trying to cross a busy road, but if the road is a particular busy one there of course will be quite a lot of noise around,
then it's a waiting game for someone to escort you across the road. Tam is also very useful for wearing indoors as well, as it alerts you when
someone enters the room, or when they are trying to communicate to you. It's a very useful bit of equipment, and one which I constantly
use. I wonder though, what people think when they first meet me and see wires coming out everywhere!

As I said above, I also have a guide dog. Because she is guiding a deafblind person she has a different colour of harness, it's a red and white
harness. In the British Highway Code it specifies that red and white are the colours which should inform drivers on the road that the
pedestrian who is standing at the kerb with a red and white cane or a guide dog with a red and white harness is a deafblind person. This fact
is not that readily known - but you know now don't you? Other countries use different methods to distinguish the difference between blind
and deafblind people. I believe that the Guide Dog Association for the Blind has now withdrawn the red and white harness from use.
I don't understand why this is but they must have a good reason.

My hobby is working with my computers, and learning more about the latest technology advances that are happening almost every day.
After all if it wasn't for the advancement of technology then I wouldn't have been able to create A-Z to Deafblindness on the Net.
For you the equipment that is sitting on your desk in front of you is just a metal frame with some plastic around it and some boards that are
within the unit.

For me however, computers are my GATEWAY to the outside world. Like many other deafblind and blind people on the Net, I can access
information, such as the newspapers, magazines, especially PC magazines, but they just usually give little extracts from a PC magazine,
although that's better than nothing. There are also many great archives of the great classic books on the Net. You may be saying to yourself
so what, but to people like myself who cannot have access to such material it's great. The Net to us is like our public library, and it is our
corner shop to get our newspapers as well.

I have been on the Net for well over Ten years now. I have taught myself all about computers, but am still learning more and more every day.

Some people find it very hard to believe that people like myself are capable of creating and maintaining a web site. I made A-Z to
Deafblindness on my own without the help of anyone. I also own another web site about Deafblindness called "A Deafblindness Web
Resource". The URL to the site is As you can now guess, I do keep myself busy and the old brain going.

Sometimes people can only see a person's disability, They are blinding themselves with their own prejudices, A person's true strength is
within them,

So if you are a deafblind person or blind person reading this page, then come on and try and put a website on the Net, There are many of us
out there who have done just that.

Now for the information which you have visited A-Z to Deafblindness for.

Deafblindness is sometimes known as dual sensory impairment or multi-sensory impairment and is more than a combination of visual and
hearing impairments.

Deafblind people may not be totally deaf and totally blind. Many of the UK's 23,000 deafblind people have some remaining hearing and
vision. Some, though, have nearly complete loss of both senses.

95% of what we learn about ourselves and the world around us comes through our sight and hearing. Lacking these two "distance senses",
deafblind people find that their mobility, communication and access to information is usually greatly affected.

We often need the services of our local deafblind organizations. These could be Deafblind UK, or The National Deafblind and Rubella
Association, (SENSE) when we have to attend a doctors appointment or visit family, friends, or attend meetings of any sort or even just

Enter here for Deafblind organizations and groups in Britain.

One of the many resources which the above organizations provide for us is the guide/communicator. This is a very important service, as a guide/communicator is our eyes and ears when we are out together, They can communicate with a deafblind person either with the
deafblind manual or by speech, or if the deafblind person has some sight then they can communicate with British Sign Language ( BSL),
but the majority of deafblind people use the deafblind manual.

If you want to learn more about the Deafblind Manual or learn how it works then enter here.
It's quite easy to learn, so come on and give it a try. [...]

for the entire article, clik

Braille Alphabet

This is the English Braille Alphabet

British sign language and Italian sign language

Sunday, August 26, 2007

A tough intelligent man become a genius with his wife's hand

"I've made the most important discovery of my life. It's only in the mysterious equation of love that any logical reasons can be found. I'm only here tonight because of you. You're the only reason I am... you're all the reasons I am." (John Nash)

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Check it out my gallery on
and for fun you must seeing this video....

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


CPR in three simple steps


Check the victim for unresponsiveness. If there is no response, Call 911 and return to the victim. In most locations the emergency dispatcher can assist you with CPR instructions.


Tilt the head back and listen for breathing. If not breathing normally, pinch nose and cover the mouth with yours and blow until you see the chest rise. Give 2 breaths. Each breath should take 1 second.


If the victim is still not breathing normally, coughing or moving, begin chest compressions. Push down on the chest 11/2 to 2 inches 30 times right between the nipples. Pump at the rate of 100/minute, faster than once per second.

NOTE: This ratio is the same for one-person & two-person CPR. In two-person CPR the person pumping the chest stops while the other gives mouth-to-mouth breathing.


Sunday, August 05, 2007

The great movie "I Cento Passi" and a great song from Modena City Ramblers against Mafia

Friday, July 27, 2007


As you probably know, I support the boycott of Nestlé products.

According the the World Health Organisation Authority (WHO) 1.5 million babies die every year as a result of inappropriate feeding. Despite this Nestlé continues to push its baby milks in breach of international standards.

Monitoring by groups on the ground around the world shows Nestlé is responsible for more violations than any other company. That's why it is singled out for boycott action.

If you don't boycott Nestlé already, I ask that you consider looking at the evidence and giving up Nestlé products, or at least its principal brand, Nescafé coffee.

The boycott has forced some changes from the company, but it is still a long way from complying. Campaigners are also working for laws. Nestlé can comply when it is given no choice. It is not being asked to do something that is impossible, but without pressure it continues to put its own profits before infant health and mothers' rights.

You can find out more information and look at the evidence yourself on the Baby Milk Action website at:

You can sign up there to support the boycott.

It is important to tell Nestlé you will be boycotting it until it accepts and acts on the plan put to it by boycott groups for saving infant lives.

( italian website)

Friday, July 20, 2007


Saturday, July 14, 2007


€145M A DAY

Cost to the US of the war in Iraq

  • 73,568 Iraqi CIVILIAN killed
  • 5,800 Iraqi police have died
  • 3,612 US troops killed
  • 26,558 others wounded
and defence analysts say that al-Qaeda is STRONGER than ever

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I would like to begin this new adventure for me with this letter sent from Gore Vidal, one of the biggest writer in the world, to Beppe Grillo.

P.S.: italian letter on

"Dear Beppe,
Humanity – and the whole world with it – is at a decision point. We have to start acting now because if we don't change direction there's a good chance that there will be no world to look after in ten or fifteen years. And we will be dead or dying. And the saddest thing is that this would not happen because of an inevitable destiny but for a simple lack of political will.
There's a need for a primitive impulse of a survival spirit of which there is no trace today. In 1957 I wrote a play called 'Visit to a Small Planet', and everyone was blown away. At that time the planet was considered to be a source of eternal riches and anything but tiny. Obviously today we know that it's not like that.
Recently I've had a conversation with Gorbachov, who asked me "Do you know which is the most important liquid on earth?" "Vodka?" I replied. "Petrol?" No – water". He said. And it's true. Even water is a limited resource. But humanity has always persisted in its illusions of eternity…
Humanity – and the West in particular – must radically change its life style if it doesn't want to eliminate itself. And a change of direction must come first of all from the United States, the leading consumers and polluters in the world. The problem is to convince our government or rather the shadow government that controls it, that responds only to a delirious capitalism.
That, in simple words, consists of creating products that we don't need and finding the way to sell them to us, without caring about the consequences. What's more, capitalism cannot survive except in the absence of laws.
It obeys no law except the fictitious ones that the system itself has created, like "supply and demand" And this is why we can expect no change from on high except with the weight of pressure from the people.
It is paradoxical that many governments, like that of the United States, feel legitimized to get mixed up in our liberty to reproduce but don't waste a word on the electricity that we consume. This is why the change must start from below.
This year we are starting to supply our house in California solely with solar energy. But I don't see how the average citizen can do that. It's still very costly at least in the United States. This is why the actions of an individual – though very important – must aim at institutional change. And today our cause is supported by a series of powerful and innovative tools like the Internet…
And we have to go yet further in reorganizing our lives. And this is the difficult part: to renounce what gives us pleasure has never been part of our nature.
Think of the millions of smokers in the world. I have recently lost a close friend who continued to smoke until the day of his death, even though he knew that smoking was killing him…
People – even Americans – are starting to wake up. There's a growing revolutionary feeling in the air. Governments are starting to wake up: for example I am looking with admiration at what Hugo Chavez is doing.
It's an inspiration for the whole world, unlike the United States that is not an inspiration for anyone apart from potential dictators. Even our politicians know very well what is happening in the world but they are paid to stay silent. This does not mean that one day they won't rise up against their masters.
But I'm warning you: the process of change will also be a violent one. The elite - the corporations – will not easily give up their privileges. However, you start your revolution and I will be happy to be your Trotsky."

Gore Vidal



I think that we have to do something, keep an eye on every little thing we doing with water and think about people don't have it.

for precious ideas to save water visit: (ENGLISH) or (ITALIAN)

Battle for the planet: (ITA-ENG)

"Dare un futuro all'Umanita', dare un futuro alla Terra" Gorbaciov
"Give a future to Humanity, give a future to the Earth" Gorbaciov


FarmSatoshi Enjoy Free Satoshi!