Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Water is the New Oil

Some would consider water the new oil. Even though 70% of Earth is covered with water, only 3% is fit for human consumption, of which two-thirds is frozen and largely uninhabited ice caps and glaciers, leaving 1% available for consumption. The remaining 97% is salt water, which cannot be used for drinking or agriculture. If all the earth's water fit in a gallon jug, available fresh water would equal just over a tablespoon. There is no more fresh water on Earth today than there was a million years ago.....( to continue click here.)

this video is not the future...

25 Simple Ways to Save Water

Here are 25 ways you can save water. For a more comprehensive list of ways to save water, click here.

1. Shorten your shower. Even a two-minute reduction can save up to 700 gal./month.

2. Use low-flow shower heads or flow restrictors in regular shower heads. (saves 500-800 gal./month)

3. When you can, take a shallow bath instead of a shower. (saves 15-20 gal.)

4. Put bathroom trash in the wastebasket and cigarettes in the ashtray instead of flushing them down the toilet. (saves 400-600 gal./month)

5. Displace water in the toilet tank so you use less with each flush. You can do this with a plastic bottle filled with pebbles. (saves 5 gal./day)

6. Check toilet for leaks by dropping dye tablets or food coloring into the tank. If color appears in the bowl without flushing, there's a leak. (saves 200 gal./month)

7. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. (saves 3 gal./day)

8. Rinse your razor with short blasts of water or by swishing it in a partially-filled sink instead of running the water while you shave. (saves 3 gal./day)

9. While you wait for hot water to come down the pipes, catch the flow in a watering can to use later on house plants. (saves 100-300 gal./month)

10. Fix leaking faucets and plumbing joints. (saves 20 gal./day per leak)

11. Run only full loads in the washing machine and dishwasher. (saves 75-200 gal./week)

12. Keep a bottle of cold water in the refrigerator for drinking instead of running the tap. (saves 200-300 gal./month)

13. Defrost food without running water over the packages. Either plan ahead by placing frozen items in the refrigerator overnight or defrost them in the microwave. (saves 50-150 gal./month)

14. Use the garbage disposal less. (saves 50-150 gal./ month)

15. When washing dishes by hand, use a spray device or short blasts instead of letting the water run for rinsing. (saves 200-500 gal./month)

16. When washing dishes by hand, use the least amount of detergent possible to minimize rinse water needed. (saves 50-150 gal./month)

17. Instead of running the sprinklers everyday, water the lawn only when it needs it or just give it a good soak once a week. If the grass springs back when you step on it, there's no need to water. (saves 1000 gal./month)

18. Use mulch (chunks of bark, peat moss or gravel) to cover bare ground in gardens and around trees to slow evaporation. (saves 1000 gal./month)

19. If you have a pool, use a pool cover to cut down on evaporation. It will also keep your pool cleaner and reduce the need to add chemicals. (saves 1300 gal./month)

20. Water the lawn in the early morning or evening when there's less evaporation. (saves 300 gal./month)

21. Plant drought-resistant native trees and plants. (saves 1000 gal./month)

22. Adjust your sprinklers so they don't water the sidewalk, driveway or street. (saves 500 gal./month)

23. Skip watering the lawn on a windy day when there's too much evaporation. (saves 200-300 gal. each time)

24. Cut down watering on cool, overcast or rainy days. Adjust or deactivate automatic sprinklers. (saves 200-300 gal. each time)

25. Set lawn mower blades one notch higher because longer grass means less evaporation. (saves 500-1500 gal./month)

*Very interesting.....http://water.org

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